
Pink Floyd,影视原声 - Empty Spaces & What Shall We Do Now 电影<迷墙>插曲

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剪自1982年音乐电影《迷墙》, 前半段是Empty Spaces, 后半段转入What Shall We Do Now, 也是迷墙狰狞的嘴脸第一次出现。 看看这段歌词是否写出了很多人的心声: Shall we buy a new guitar Shall we drive a more powerful car Shall we work straight through the night Shall we get into fights Leave the lights on Drop bombs Do tours of the Eas t Contract diseases Bury bones Break up homes Send flowers by phone Take to drink Go to shrinks Give up meat Rarely sleep Keep people as pets Train dogs Race rats Fill the attic with cash Bury treasure Store up leisure But never relax at all With our backs to the wall Backs to the wall
