
动漫专属 - Acid 动漫MAD

动漫专属MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有40人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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02181.MEP-Acid.amvnews.ru,由AMV-France团队制作的合作向MAD(MEP),参与制作人员:MimS, -Cross-, Atvaark, Chiiisus, Dn@, Emy310, Heavy amv, Kain-x-spirits, Koys, Nihuhu, StrawberryKiss, Thepooh, Vivaldi, bnJ,剪辑自16部动画,音乐:Infected Mushroom - Bust a Move, Charlie Winston - My Name,发布时间:2010-03-31,作者的话:Here I go! My 1st real MEP project! An international one, even if most of the editors are French. 16 tracks for 14 editors, all talented one even if you don't necesary know all of them at the moment I write these lines hehe. Well, I want to avoid long descriptions, this is useless, nobody reads them anyway! So hope you'll have fun!
