
游戏原声,Joanne Hogg - Kokoro/心 <异度传说>主题曲

游戏原声,Joanne HoggMV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有13人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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演唱:Joanne Hogg
I`ve been watching you awhile
Since you walked into my life
Monday morning, when first I heard you speak to me
I was too shy to let you know
Much too scared to let my feelings show
But you shielded me and that was the beginning

Now at last we can talk in another way
And though I try, I love you,
Is just so hard to say
If I only could be strong
And say the words I feel

My bleeding heart begins to race
When I turn to see your face
I remember that sweet dream
Which you told to me
I wanted just to be with you
So we could make the dream come true
And you smiled at me and that was the beginning

Now at last we can talk in another way
And though I try, I love you,
Is just so hard to say
If I only could be strong
And say the words I feel

Tell me what you`re thinking of
Tell me if you love me not
I have so much I long to ask you
But now the chance has gone
When your picture fades each day
In my heart the memory stays
Though we rant, you`re always smiling
And I will hold it long
