
One Direction - Steal My Girl (Acoustic Version) 官方试听版

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Steal My Girl (Acoustic Version) [Audio] 官方版。1D的专辑《Four》主打单曲《Steal My Girl》MV将于2014年10月24日播出,11月17日发行新专辑《FOUR》,敬请期待吧。《Steal My Girl》由One Direction成员Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Wayne Hector, Julian Bunetta, Ed Drewett and John Ryan 所写。Steal My Girl is the first single from One Direction’s fourth album FOUR, and it’s out everywhere now! When you buy the physical CD, you’ll also get this acoustic version. Steal My Girl is also available to download on iTunes here (without acoustic version): http://smarturl.it/1DStealMyGirliT. Written by Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Wayne Hector, Julian Bunetta, Ed Drewett and John Ryan.
