2011 AKROSS Con 大赛参赛作品,作品名:Interactive Movement,作者:ArdillaUSA ,工作室:Re - Action Studios,音乐:Daft Punk - Derezzed,剪辑自7部动画:无头骑士异闻录、EF-悠久之翼、学园默示录、Angel Beats!、飞跃巅峰、快要坏掉的八音盒、魔法禁书目录 第一季及第二季(Durarara!!, ef - A tale of melodies, Highschool of the Dead, Diebuster, Angel Beats!, To Aru Majutsu no Index, To Aru Majutsu no Index II, Kowarekake no orgel)出品时间:2011-11-29,作者的话:Its my firts time on akross
and feels good
if my video looks crazy is because that was the intention
sorry for my bad english but im from Mexico
enjoy XD