
Red,动漫专属 - Helix Origin (Breathe Into Me 动漫MAD版)

Red,动漫专属MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有10人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

    当前播放模式: 高清 自动播放推荐视频
2011 AKROSS Con大赛参赛作品,作品名:Helix Origin,作者:Eake4,工作室:Reflex Productions,音乐:Red - Breathe Into Me ,,剪辑自18部动画(就不列举了),制作完成时间:2011-11-26,作者的话:Helix Origin was something i thought up of during boring classes. Everyday i repeatedly think of the anime i watched and if i could fit those scenes into Helix Origin. This AMV transits from one element to another with supreme speed, that is how i like my AMVs. The whole duration for editing this AMV was 2 months which, most of the time spent was on Photoshopping and scene selection. After all the editing my Vegas and After effects almost started to malfunction. Special Thanks to Nostromo for teaching me some techniques. Overall AkrossCon2011 was a very fun experience.
