
Michael Jackson - 1992 Michael Jackson Greets Make-A-Wish Foundation's David Sonnet At Neverland

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1992 Michael Jackson Greets Make-A-Wish Foundation's David Sonnet at Neverland

他被稱為地球上最偉大的巨星,米高積遜在演藝事業上得到巨大的成功的同時,永遠不會忘­記去回饋及幫助這個世界及人類。「The Make-A-Wish Foundation」是其中一個米高積遜支助的慈善基金,以上是他遇見了一個病患兒­童David Sonnet。David Sonnet在8歲時患上了腦血管瘤,他無法書寫及說話,然而,他願望是能見到米高積­遜。1992年11月,他被邀請到Neverland,只有四個孩子被選中去那裡,(­這是由索尼公司贊助)。David Sonnet穿上了Michael Jackson的外套去到Neverland(外套是一個家庭從拍賣會上拍賣到的,那­個家庭因為知道David Sonnet喜歡MJ所以把其送贈了給他。當MJ回到Neverland看到Davi­d Sonnet,David Sonnet嘗試用手語對MJ說我愛你,MJ在整個與David Sonnet見面的過程中,明顯地表露了他波動的情緒。


Through all of his success, he never forgot the little people. Jackson made it a point to help numerous charities and donate millions. The Make-A-Wish Foundation was one of the beneficiaries of Jacksons time and service. That is how The King of Pop met young David Sonnet.

At the tender age of 8 years old, Sonnets life forever changed when he suffered a brain aneurysm. While he was unable to write or talk, he could function through a communication device which helped him convey his thoughts through a specialized computer. Sonnet was granted his wish when he was invited to Neverland Ranch in Nov. of 1992. One of only four kids to go to Neverland Ranch with Make-A-Wish (which was sponsored by Sony), Sonnet met his hero Nov. 25, 1992.

Sonnet was given a Beat It jacket from a local charity in West Palm Beach Florida auction in 1988, which he wore for his special encounter. This jacket may have been worn by Jackson during the Beat-It video but there is no documentation. The zip-up was donated for a charity for raising money for a girl in the West Palm Beach area who needed facial reconstruction surgery. Because the family knew that Sonnet was a huge Michael Jackson fan, they gave it to him. It never made it to the auction block.

The jacket shows wear and was only worn once by Sonnet when he met MJ. Jackson came down from the second story of his Neverland home and made a bee-line for Sonnet who was on the first floor saddled in a wheelchair once he saw the jacket. He explained to the excited youngster I see you have my jacket on. Because Sonnet was unable to talk or walk, although he did try getting out of his chair, the two shared an I Love You in sign language. Jackson was visibly emotional during the encounter.
