还在为昨天的新闻而震惊 - 世界失去了一个不可思议的天才和一个惊艳的音乐人。我感到难过,伤心欲绝,她的家人和她的粉丝献上我所有的爱和哀思告慰 - 我知道纪念Christina的人生和她散播过的爱的最好方式是用音乐 - 六年前我与Christina和Kurt录制这首歌,我想现在就把这首歌献给给她,死神太早带走了她。为你献上我的爱,Christina,我们永远不会忘记你!
Still in shock from yesterday's news - the world has lost an incredible talent and a wonderful human being. I am saddened, heartbroken, and all my love and thoughts go out to her family and her fans - And the best way I know how to celebrate Christina's life and the love she spread is with music - six years ago I recorded this song with Christina and Kurt, and I wanted to dedicate this performance to her now, after she has been taken from us far too soon. Sending you my love, Christina, we will never forget you!