
王菲 - 笑忘书 导演剪辑版

王菲MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有3人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

Directed by Thomas Barnes
This is the 3'30" director's cut of the video. This was not for commercial release, it's just a version that I recut for fun and because I preferred the B/W.. It's a long time ago I shot this video and I can't remember why I shortened it! The all color/ full length version can be seen on Youtube. Shooting with Faye was interesting and challenging because of time pressures and a few production problems we had to overcome. But she was and still is for me the greatest Chinese pop star, with the voice of an angel and a beautiful fragile soul..
