
Selena Gomez - Selena Gomez现身Billboard's Women in Music

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Selena Gomez knows she's in a new chapter of her life and work.

While introducing Gomez, Paul Rudd -- who worked on a movie with Gomez last year -- praised her kindness and her art, highlighting her new song "Good for You" and more.

Before accepting the honor, Gomez performed a gorgeous slowed-down version of her new single "Same Old Love," backed by strings and a piano.

"Thank you for supporting me not just with this record but all the time," Gomez said in her speech. "This album in particular was such a transition for me. I have so much more to prove," she said discussing how proud she was of Revival, before going on to thank her team.

Billboard Women in Music will air on Lifetime Dec. 18 at 8:00 p.m. ET.
