
Ali Brustofski - It Will Rain

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Bruno Mars - It Will Rain - Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Soundtrack - Cover & Music Video by Ali Brustofski - Recorded Live at Architekt Music in Butler, NJ. Thank you for watching my simple cover of Bruno Mars beautiful single, It Will Rain from the Twilight Breaking Dawn Soundtrack. :) If you like it, please thumb up, comment, and SHARE THIS VIDEO with everyone you know on youtube, facebook and twitter. You can just click on the "Share" links above! AVAILABLE SOON ON ITUNES! Thank you to the very talented Kurt Andrews for playing the piano so beautifully and for recording this for me. It's a very simple acoustic cover - just a piano and me singing - and we did the audio live in just one take, with a few takes of video for editing. I had a great time working with him, and my thanks also to George, Alex, Mike, Johnny, Matt, Jason, Jess & the entire crew at Architekt Music in Butler, NJ for always making me feel at home:)
