大家新年快乐! 叔很久前的一个现场,很不错, Details In The Fabric那个时候就已经写啦 ========== Secret London gig on 20th February 2006; the day I got to meet my musical hero! His voice started off a little but was still pretty amazing for first thing in the morning :) 无责任翻译:2006年2 月20日在伦敦秘密演唱会上我终于见到了我的音乐偶像!一开始,他的声音有些低哑,不过后来的都很棒,这真是大清早的惊喜啊!
Setlist: 歌单: 1. I'll Do Anything 2. Unfold 3. Details In The Fabric 4. Life Is Wonderful 5. Did I Fool Ya 6. After An Afternoon 7. Gypsy MC 8. Plane