音樂創作網站《melodysheep.com》28日在YouTube發布了李小龍的混音搭唱,歌名叫「Be water my friend」。
他們從李小龍電影《猛龍過江》 和《龍爭虎鬥》截取畫面,再讓他從講話變成唱歌,聽起來就像李小龍唱了這首歌,影片也成了流暢的MV。
Empty your mind
Be formless, shapeless
Like Water
Water can flow
Or it can crash
Be water my friend
Running water never goes stale
So you gotta just keep on flowing
You have to train
You have to keep your reflexes
So that when you want it, it's there
When you want to move, you're moving
I mean you gotta put the whole hip into it
Snap it, snap it
Become one with the *
You better train every part of your body
Running water never goes stale
So you gotta just keep on flowing
Under the sky
Under the heaven
There is but one family
Do not believe in styles
Styles separate man
It's a process of continuing growth