
Andrea Bocelli - Time To Say Goodnight

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[Elmo]: Elmo isn't sleepy/ Elmo wants some water/ And another story/ Elmo's eyes are open wide awake/ And Elmo doesn't feel so snorey [Andrea]: Time to say goodnight/ Lie down/ Here is your bear/ You've had such a wonderful day/ Playing and counting to twenty/ Singing songs/ And going to the park with your friends/ So now won't you give me a hug?/ It's time to say goodnight [Elmo]: Elmo doesn't wanna/ Elmo isn't tired/ Elmo wants to stay up/ You don't have to worry/ Elmo makes a promise/ Elmo will be okay up [Andrea]: Time to say goodnight/ Relax and close your eyes/ You need to get plenty of rest/ You've got a full day tomorrow/ Playing games/ Dancing and saying the alphabet/ So now won't you give me a kiss?/ It's time to say goodnight/ So goodnight!
