
2PM - 泰国 TV Kan Park采访 尼坤 & 坤爸 12/03/22

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概要:Dad said he can meet Khun 3-4 times/yr and he didn't go to Korea often coz even go there sometimes cannot meet Khun coz of the schedule 。Dad to Khun: Keep being a good man like always be, be a good sample to young generations for them to be good like u or better than u =]。Khun also taught his dad a few simple Korean sentences。what Khun's dad worry the most is Khun's health but he think Khun can take care himself quite well, fans always take a good care of him too。Khun's dad said at first Khun felt discouraged but he can overcome that feeling and nothing can stop him now. Khun is happy at work. ^^
