
Michael Jackson - Moonwalker 歌曲联唱 Part A 中英字幕(Kuailesongsif制)

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Michael.Jackson - Moonwalker 月球漫步 歌曲联唱 中英字幕版 Part A中英字幕版 Part A
曲目:1.Man in the mirror 2. News about MJ 3. "Music and me"
4."I want you back" 5. "A B C" 6."The love you save" 7. "2-4-6-8" 8. "Who’s Loving You?" 9. "Ben" 10. "Dancing machine" 11. "Blame it on the boogie" 12. "Shake your body" 13. "Rock with you" 14. "Don't stop 'til you get enough" 15. "Can you feel it?"
16. "Human Nature" 17. "Beat it" 18. "Thriller" 19. "Billie jean"
20. "State of shock (1984)" 21. "We are the world" 22. "The way you make me feel" 23. "Dirty Diana" 24. "Bad" 25. "Speed demon"
26. "Leave me alone"
