
Bri Gonzales - Lighter Than Air

Bri GonzalesMV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有16人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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A Jervy Hou Music Production.For those of you who don't already know us, we are a team of two people with a strong and undying passion for music. Bri sings and writes amazingly awesome lyrics, and I (Jervy Hou) create/produce all of the music and direct/shoot/edit the videos. Everything that we do is on a zero budget and we rarely (if ever) receive outside help. Needless to say, what we do is very difficult and time consuming - sometimes very frustrating; however, the payoff of creating something inspiring that has never existed before is well worth it. With that said, every ounce of support we get from you guys goes a very long way.

"Lighter Than Air" is the first of many original songs to come. If you like it, please like, comment and share our video.


