
Eli Lieb - Place of Paradise

Eli LiebMV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有36人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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还记得翻唱katy perry春梦 teenage dream那个声音和长相都很性感的帅哥不~这次深度报道这位来自美国纽约的音乐达人 Eli Lieb。好吧~这娃保密比较严实,加上是09年才开始在网上传视频~所以去了他的facebook发现资料和照片都很少,应该是25岁左右。 但是他的“你的管子”里上传的视频却不少,开始时以翻唱为主。最有名的就是我上次发的teenage dream。后来开始发自己原创的歌曲。这首place of paradis天国之域就是他最早的一首原创,自己作词作曲pop带一点电音舞曲的味道,很有他的个人风格。个人非常喜欢这首。 下面附上歌词: Eli Lieb - Place of Paradise (original Eli Lieb song) written and produced by Eli Lieb LYRICS: Waited for hours watching the day go by I'm calling your name but you're no where in sight Holding off for a piece of heaven Standing blinded closing off the space I'm in All of these lines are coming down tonight And let your walls cave in Let the world around you die And all this life you knew you tear it up tonight Just open up your eyes And take it in this place of paradise Hoping for someone closing your eyes at night You're praying to god and you don't know why Trying to find your piece of heaven Standing blinded closing off the space you're in All of these lines are coming down tonight And let your walls cave in Let the world around you die And all this life you knew you tear it up tonight Just open up your eyes And take it in this place of paradise And if you let go and see that you're falling You'll find your way back home And if you fall down and see that you're bleeding You'll find your way home All of these lines are coming down tonight And let your walls cave in Let the world around you die And all this life you knew you tear it up tonight Just open up your eyes And take it in this place of paradise
