
JohnnyO - Live Like A Warrior (Cover)

JohnnyOMV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有21人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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Hey guys thanks for checking out my cover of Matisyahu's HIT "Live Like A Warrior." This is definelty one of my most favourite videos yet, and i hope its yours too! This video is really important to be, because it shares a VERY important message. This video is in part with Defeat the label, who's mission is to DEFEAT bullying! Please share this video with anyone, who has even been bullied! I hope this video inspires you to be a leader in your community, and stand up for what YOU think is right! :)

This video was created entirely by kids, sharing our message! Video, Editing, and Directing was done by my 15 year old sister, Vocals by myself, and the group of kids you see in the video, are all people from my school that believe in the same message as i do! This video is one of many in Matisyahu and Defeat the label's contest, so please follow this link and vote for me! www.MatisyahuWorld.com.

Every 7 seconds a child in the United States is bullied and 50% of all these incidents go unreported. I'm uploading my cover of Matisyahu's "Live Like A Warrior" in an effort to raise awareness for Defeat The Label, an organization committed to empowering young people to take a stand against bullying in their schools and communities. You can "Live Like A Warrior" and stand for change like me... by submitting your cover at www.MatisyahuWorld.com.
