Short film directed by Michael Moercant and Jean-Yves Parent at Mikros Image.
Film selected at the Siggraph Computer Animation Festival 2012.
Agency: JBM - Benjamin Julien Monie &
Design and Director: Mohammad Harib
Producer: Hugo Allart / DoMove.
Directors: Michael Moercant & Jean-Yves Parent - DoF / FX
Project Manager / Post-Producer: Lionel Juglair
3D Supervisor: Stephen Thibert
Modeling: Francois Desvignes Rimasson & Jerome
Animatic: Bartholomew Fine
Setup: Alexandre Sauthier
Lighting: Julien Haillot
Shave / texture: Nicolas Bruchet, Benjamin Lenfant
Animation: Alexandre Sauthier, Vincent Lemaire, Geoffroy Barbet Massin, Anne Chatelain
Stereoscopy: Erwan Davigano
Nuke Compositing: William Parra, Jerome Foucout, Bartholomew Fine
Calibration: Christine Szymkowiak
Subtitles: Maud Drouin
Final compositing: Michael Moercant & Jean-Yves Parent
DCP Manufacturing: David & Francois Mangin Duboux
Supported by:
Amelia Anne Chuche for project tracking
Mathias Barday for lighting the animatic
Mickaël Camus for post production