
早安少女组,动漫专属 - Strawberri (Mikan 动漫MAD版)

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【AMV】Mamo!-Strawberri,来自A-M-V.org的Mamo!制作的MAD,A-Kon 19, Experts AMV Contest大赛 最佳喜剧类,最佳娱乐类作品奖;2008 Manifest AMV 大赛最佳娱乐类作品,音乐:Morning Musume(早安少女组) - Mikan,使用了39部动画素材,出品时间:2008-05-19,作者的话:Yay finished :O I really had fun making this video. :D Morning Musume is definitely fun times. I originally started this video back in January but didn't finish it until the Acen deadline since I kinda was off and on about it. I've been wanting to make a video using a Morning Musume song and various anime, and when they released their Mikan single, I was instantly hooked. :P A big thanks to my beta testers: Koopiskeva, AtomX, Kisanzi, Nessephanie, JaddziaDax, Radical_Yue, ScoobINSMDBZ, Reigna, Aerialesque, Batto!, *inverse*, Sierra Lorna, and Chiikaboom Programs Used: Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 Particle Illusion 3.0 Adobe Photoshop 7 The Fun Stuff in AMVapp Enjoy the shiny mp4. If it doesn't work for you, download and install the CCCP codec pack or you can open it with VLC PLAYER, both ways work. If you just don't want the mp4 at all, download the avi via the direct link. :O I hope you enjoy the video, and feedback is greatly appreciated!
