
Kansas,影视原声 - Carry On My Wayward Son <邪恶力量> 插曲

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[邪恶力量 Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son (Supernatural Season 2)] 歌词: Carry On My Wayward Son -- Kansas translated by moufei Carry on my wayward son 任性的孩子 紧随我的脚步吧 There'll be peace when you are done 当你到达之时 安宁近在咫尺 Lay your weary head to rest 疲惫之心找到解脱 Don't you cry no more 不要再为悲伤哭泣 Once I rose above the noise and confusion 曾今 我远离尘世纷扰 Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion 只为一窥超越人世的真理 I was soaring ever higher 我曾翱翔于蓝天之上 But I flew too high 然而我太过胸怀大志 Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man 自以为我看透一切却仍旧目光短浅 Though my mind could think I still was a mad man 自以为能理性思考却仍是井底之蛙 I hear the voices when I'm dreaming 在梦中我听见一阵耳语 I can hear them say 我听见他们说 Carry on my wayward son 任性的孩子 紧随我的脚步吧 There'll be peace when you are done 当你到达之时 安宁近在咫尺 Lay your weary head to rest 疲惫之心找到解脱 Don't you cry no more 不要再为悲伤哭泣 Masquerading as a man with a reason 冒充成一个做事合乎情理的人 My charade is the event of the season 我的宿命就是这个时代的产物 And if I claim to be a wise man, well 如果我声称成为一代哲人,那么 It surely means that I don't know 这明确的代表我已茫然失措 On a stormy sea of moving emotion 在反复无常的情感海洋之上 Tossed about I'm like a ship on the ocean 我像是一艘随时下沉的小船 I set a course for winds of fortune 我为命运之风扬起风帆 But I hear the voices say 但我却听见一阵声音说 Carry on my wayward son 孩子 紧随我探寻梦想的脚步吧 There'll be peace when you are done 当你到达之时 安宁近在咫尺 Lay your weary head to rest 疲惫之心找到解脱 Don't you cry no more 不要再为悲伤哭泣 Carry on, you will always remember 坚持住 ,你将永远铭记于心 Carry on, nothing equals the splendor 坚持住,辉煌无可比拟 The center lights around your vanity 虚荣之心被圣洁之光包围 But surely heaven waits for you 毫无疑问天堂之门永远为你打开 Carry on my wayward son 孩子 紧随我探寻梦想的脚步吧 There'll be peace when you are done 当你到达之时 安宁近在咫尺 Lay your weary head to rest 疲惫之心找到解脱 Don't you cry no more 不要再为悲伤哭泣
