
Jonas Brothers - Pom Poms 中英字幕(Jin制)

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[Jin]中英字幕Jonas Brothers-Pom Poms
POM POMS 查询了一下相关的信息,有两个解释:
其实以上虚实两个隐约间有些对应关系。至于如何翻译,歌手自己也没有给予解释POM POMS到底是什么?只是说个人要有个人的见解。如下文。

Joe Jonas meaning of Pom Poms: 'There is a lot of nicknames for pom poms.. headlights, some of which I could get in trouble for saying on national air. I think it’s self explanatory what pom poms means.' So, does Joe have a pom poms preference, real or artificial?

'I would have to go with real, but I don’t discriminate…everybody loves everybody, and there is room for love.' Joe went on to explain, 'There is actually a statistic of where the most real and fake pom poms are in the world.'

Fan video: 'Joe received a video message from a Pepperdine student asking him to take her to the school formal. Unfortunately he was unable to attend the dance, but he did respond by making a video of himself laying in front of a fireplace in a sexy pose to the sound of Wham.

'We filmed it in about 10 minutes. Me and my buddies we were trying to figure out to make this girl smile and it kind of came together perfectly,' Joe tells us. 'I’m trying to put on my best sexy pose for this girl to try to get her to be my date instead.'

There’s one question everyone has about “Pom Poms,” the Jonas Brothers’ big comeback single—what, exactly, are “pom poms” supposed to be? Are the boys being literal and talking about how much they love poofy cheerleader accessories? Or, as the song’s video seems to imply, are pom poms some sort of odd euphemism for boobs and/or butts?

The Jonases themselves aren’t clearing the matter up. As Nick explained, “It’s kind of self-explanatory. It’s got a lot of different meanings. I’ve got my own personal meaning for it.”

Not helpful.

In the song’s opening hook, it seems we’re meant to take “pom poms” at its literal meaning. Unlike boobs and butts, which generally stay attached to someone’s body, actual pom poms can be put down. But, if we’re taking the JoBros literally, the words still don’t make very much sense. Why is there “more to love” when a woman’s hands are free? Is there some sort of weird hand fetish going on here? And, if a pom pom is just a pom pom, why are the boys so excited about their crushes putting them down?
