
JohnnyO - Come And Get It 翻唱版

JohnnyOMV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有237人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my new cover of Selena Gomez's HIT "Come and Get It!" HUGE thanks to my new dancers Bella, and Raina, and my dance teacher Matt! Lots of AWESOME stuff coming this summer, like my new single REPLAY! The lyric video will be up very soon, followed by the official music video! I have some exciting things to announce this summer, so make sure you stay updated on my website www.JohnnyOrlandoMusic.com, and my weibo - http://weibo.com/JohnnyOSings! Thanks for all the support, love you guys!
