
Lady Gaga - The Fame Ball 过场动画

Lady GagaMV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有13人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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The Face (interlude) The Face是Crevettes Films的最后一个艺术片,在THE FAME BALL期间用, 音乐选用:《Just Dance》 GAGA解释这段片说: Gaga about this Crevette: "I am sitting helplessly in a white room with a strange man holding a yellow rubber gun with pink blood over my heart, and a pantyhose that distorts the image of my true idenity." In the final film, Gaga tells the man that Pop wanted her face; after she introduces herself, the man asks her for her real name. But she tells him that she doesn't understand the question—she has no identity except for what Pop has given her. 惊喜的是这只小黄金枪,在与HONEY B的《VIDEO PHONE》MV里再次登场。
