
Charice - Louder 饭拍版 11/08/23

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2011/08/23 - 98.5 KLUC End of Summer Block Party 2011 rocked the house at the Henderson Pavilion of Las Vegas on August 23, 2011. - Performers include our dear Charice with other singers like Cody Simpson, Iyaz, HardNox, Jackson Guthy, Lex Rox, Denisse Lara and Mindless Behavior. - The concert ran from 6-10PM with our Charice scheduled to perform as the second to the last singer around 8:15PM. - C-H-A-R-I-C-E sang a total of four songs: Pyramid with Iyaz, Louder, Before It Explode and One Day with chaster Vanessa. - Indeed, it was a fascinating concert and party! At the end, a Chaster who advocates she will always *SCREAMED, FAINTED & DIED* for our Charice was invited on stage to stay & sing with her idol - what a wonderful wonderful moment :) - Please Follow Charice in her official sites at: http://www.charicemusic.com - credit: chariceconcerts // LantaoIsland
