
罗艺恒 - Missing You

罗艺恒MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有7人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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《Missing You》是罗艺恒在2013年创作的英文作品,但这是第一次中国首发他的英文作品,希望大家可以喜欢。

词:罗艺恒 曲:罗艺恒
编曲:罗艺恒 演唱:罗艺恒
视频制作:Davey Yu (特别感谢)

《Missing You》

Verse 1
I've been trying so hard
To distract my distant mind
Always looking for another way
To pass the time
Every day is like a replay
Of when we said goodbye
Yet the days just pass through me
Leaving me years behind

Pre chorus
But you never look back,
Cas you're world goes black,
And it dosnt make sense without them.
And it hurts so bad
When all you wanna' say is I.......

I'll fight for you
And everything you say
I won't let a minute with you go to waste
And I'll never forget
All you do for me
I want to be everything you stand for
The shelter from the storm when you come walking through that front door.

Verse 2
When what you want and what you need.
Are one in the same
You're the relief I need when I want the pain to go away.
Every time I stop and look around
And you're not by my side
I know I've gotta do
Everything I need to,
To get back home to you

Pre-chorus 2
So I can't look back
When my world goes black
I've got far to much to lose
And it hurts so bad
When all I want is you.


And when your world is crumbling down
your looking for a hand to help you stand,
It won't be me.
Cas' when you fall I fall.
We struggle together through it all
Keep going up we wont stall
And though I'm missing you now.
I keep my vision short sighted
So I don't have to count the time that ahead and behind us.

And it won't seem so far away.
Waiting for the day.
I can see you again.

2014 Copyright by M.SICK Media Studio (New Zealand) Ltd.
