
Stephen Barker Liles ,Taylor Swift - Try To Make It Anyway

Stephen Barker Liles ,Taylor SwiftMV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有57人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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taylor swift的歌曲《hey Stephen》中的男主角(全名:Stephen Barker Liles)最近对这首歌进行了回应(感觉迟了点),特地写的一首歌曲Try To Make It Anyway以表白心意! This Is the song I (Stephen) wrote for Taylor back in 2008 - right around the same time she wrote the song "hey Stephen" (from her "Fearless" album) for me. I filmed the video in my barn at my house, with my friend Aaron Thomas-who is a killer - up and coming film and music video director. Hope ya dig!! Stay tuned for more videos from Eric and I. follow us on twitter via@LNTweet Check out the article to get more of the scoop on the song too: http://planetverge.com/2011/04/try-to-make-it-anyway/
