
欧美群星 - Fxxk U (Cover) 英文字幕 (Mr.M)

欧美群星MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有4人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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Where is your hand Trying to get to, hey
You let my heart flutter With words you clinged to
I just want to burn during These long hours
we must be slowing down
I'm trying to get you But you'll leave when you
Have everything It's irony

Don't you trust anything All you saw was just me
Don't you push me away Why not, cuz we love each other
Stop it, I'm sorry

Forget U, don't want it now
Don't want to lay beside You as if it's something natural
Forget U, you know, Forget U
I don't want to Do it like this
thats not how I feel

Can someone tell me when
it's a difficult question I'm afraid of this person
it's okay

I'm not going any where I'm here beside you
This can never really end

Forget U, don't want it now
Don't want to lay beside You as if it's something natural
Forget U, you know, Forget U
I don't want to Do it like this
thats not how I feel
