
田柾国(防弹少年团) - 国外Tony Leggett顾问:分析人格特质 田柾国Jung Kook篇 16/04/24

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160424 国外Tony Leggett顾问:分析人格特质 田柾国Jung Kook篇
Tony Leggett , the National Examiner Magazine's Psychic Advisor, Dear Tony, is an international inspirer, life coach,

and psychic healer / advisor. provides a way for his followers to get a personal, in-depth, 20 minute palm reading

as well as interact with him, ask for prayers and advice, learn about the mystical world around us, as well as share

their good news from prayer and mystical experiences. Tony is not a fortune teller. In his palm readings, he uses a

combination of astrology, intuition, palmistry, and ESP to do a personality trait analysis of people. If he gets a

feeling while doing a reading he will express it. All palm readings are unrehearsed and unscripted.
