
欧美群星,模仿翻唱,原创 - Dolphins (Cover)

欧美群星,模仿翻唱,原创MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有4人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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网络流传的并不存在的所谓艾薇儿的歌曲《Dolphins》的歌词,印第安纳州插画家Callie Berndt和朋友们自配旋律演绎。
The Time Slug 2015年10月6日发布 We are Scream Dolphin Leader...Be Prepared for more of this...
Dolphins Are u
Dolphins Are Me
Dolphins Are eveyone that includes you and me
They love swimmming with people like you and me

Dolphins live in the ocean
Dolphins live in the sea
Dolphins live in nice clear blue sea
They are acompneed by a lot of sea animals

We love them
You love them
I love them
Who dosen’t like them

Give me a D
Give me a O
Give me a L
Give me a P
Give me a H
Give me a I
Give me a N
Then put it all together & what dose it spell
