
Noelle - All About Your Heart

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《All About Your Heart》by Mindy Gledhill cover by Noelle Maracle

I don’t mind your odd behavior
It’s the very thing I love
If you were an ice cream flavor
You would be my favorite one
My imagination sees you
Like a painting by Van Gogh
Starry nights and bright sunflowers
Follow you where you may go
Oh, I loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
It’s not about your scars
It’s all about your heart
You are a butterfly held captive
Small and safe in your cocoon
Go on you can take your time
Time is said to heal all wounds
I loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
It’s not about your scars
It’s all about your heart
Like a lock without a key
Like a mystery without a clue
There is no me if I cannot have you
I loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
It’s not about your scars
It’s all about your heart
All about your heart
