
Katie Melua - If You Were A Sail Boat

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几乎没人可以否定Katie Melua和Mike Batt是天生的搭档.Batt的词曲配上Katie的形象和嗓音,再加上她极其清晰的吐词,效果不一般地好,经常让我沉醉其中. Batt的情歌浪漫得有些离奇,而且琅琅上口,从他写的歌可以看出他在生活中是一个细腻,入微的观察家.写出的几首歌比如说The closest thing to craziness, nine million bicycles, thank you stars包括最新的If you were a sailboat居然能让我这种奔三的人也很有感觉(一种很纯的恋爱感觉).呵呵.Katie这边,除了唱现场时喜欢乱皱眉头,表现出很痛苦的沉醉,其他都不错.一听她开口,就知道此女身体不错.她还在挪威的北海油田底下(海底303米)开过音乐会,在当时创造了一个世界纪录. 贴一贴歌词: If you were a cowboy I would trail you, if you were a piece of wood I d nail you to the floor, if you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore, if you were a river I would swim you, if you were a house I would live in you all my days, if you were a preacher I d begin to change my ways, sometimes I believe in fate but the chances we create, always seem to ring more true, you took a chance on loving me, I took a chance on loving you if I was in jail I know you d spring me, if I was a telephone you d ring me all day long, if I was in pain I know you d sing me soothing songs, sometimes I believe in fate but the chances we create, always seem to ring more true, you took a chance on loving me, I took a chance on loving you if I was hungry you would feed me, if I was in darkness you would lead me to the light, if I was a book i know you d read me every night, If you were a cowboy I would trail you, if you were a piece of wood I d nail you to the floor, if you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore, if you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
