
原创 - When Waliens Collide

原创MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有4人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

    当前播放模式: 标清 自动播放推荐视频
Jeydon, You know you're something special I'm waitin' For you realize you'll make it farther than anyone that brings you down I'm hoping that you will hear our little song Just knowing that you might sing along to every word that's coming from our hearts Waiting for the time When Waliens collide We'll sing this song all together We're all in this tonight We'll follow you til forever Jeydon, We're waliens forever And haters You're jealous of our power stronger than the superheroes except spiderman We're different But you say that it's alright We're thinking You're the light of our lives Right now is the time for us to fight Waiting for the time When Waliens collide We'll sing this song all together We're all in this tonight We'll follow you til forever You're like our shooting star Guiding us through whatever We know we'll all go far When we collide we'll make it better You say to live our dreams and never look back Today is the day when Waliens attack You say that we matter so thank you for that Cause all we need is you believing and we'll reach our dreams When Waliens collide We'll sing this song all together We're all in this tonight We'll follow you til forever You're like our shooting star Guiding us through whatever We know we'll all go far When we collide we'll make it better
