
Michael Jackson - Thriller 动画版

Michael JacksonMV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有39人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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Uploaded by welovemj625 on Jun 24, 2011

R.I.P Michael Jackson

Update info 2012/ Feb 3

To the People who love Michael Jackson and also have watched or
followed the "Thriller Animation".
As a big fan of Michael Jackson, me and my fellows are appreciated
about the people who give us comments and showing the love to this
animation. We will keep up our passion and creating high quality animation.
There is a lot of questions raised up about why I am using a Monkey
to represent Michael on this "Thriller Animation", This is totally nothing
related with any kind of Discrimination or Racism.
The reason why I pick Monkey is just because MJ has a chimpanzee
as his pet named Bubbles. Michael also bought Bubbles with him for his
Japan Tour. This give me a huge impact, therefore I create a Monkey
character for the MJ animation just to show my respect and love of MJs
music and work. It's just that simple. Just like one of his song:

I Said If You're Thinkin' Of Being My Baby
It Doesn't Matter If You're Black Or White

The only thing we are all in common is that we all love Michael.

Love and Peace.

For this year 2012, June 25. We might have something special
for Michael. Which I hope will make him laugh again in Heaven.
Pls stay and eyes on us. Enjoy!


On June 25th, 2009
People were surprised and sorrowed everywhere around the globe.
It is the day Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop" passed away.

I've always been the biggest fan of his music from my childhood.
His tunes and dances are always been sensational, and all of his music clips made like
Michael Jackson "Thriller" Animation

Hollywood movies are full of surprises.
Even as a child, I was spell-bounded and fascinated by his works.

Now, being as a film maker (of CG animation), I have no doubt to say this fascination in my
youth had been a guidepost for what I have become.

It has been two years since Michael Jackson passed away.
From the appreciation and respect to his work, I have planned to produce my way of "homage".
It's a clip that performed by my original created characters dance in the memory of Michael.

With fellows supporting the idea, we've gathered days and nights between our works to finish
this project.
Still having the passion and emotion to make further improvements, we somehow made it to
release the clip before this day of June 25th.

I am hoping from my heart that this clip will be enjoyed by many people through the world.
and I also wish from my heart that this clip will somehow be a linkage to many of the great
works that Michael has let us.

Wishing him peace in heaven.

Kiminori Tanoue
