
闪星 - Summer Never End 现场剪辑版

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乐队组建于08年4月。强烈的Power Pop/Alt.Rock气流,佼好的气质,极具感染力的音乐和现场,使得他们在国内新兴摇滚乐队里独树一帜!09年乐队独立发行了首张EP《Alt Senior》。并活跃在全国各地的摇滚舞台上。参加6次MIDI,草莓等大型音乐节。有着上百场演出经验的他们曾两次参与英国大使馆主办及国际绿色和平组织举办的演出,并多次为国外名团亚洲巡演做嘉宾,其中不乏有美国当红新生代Screamo乐队SAOSIN,美国另类摇滚指标名团Anberlin ,荷兰当红偶像流行朋克大团DESTINE,日系EMO王者NATURE LIVING等大牌乐队。12年初乐队发行了另无数歌迷望穿秋水的首张专辑《The End Of The New Beginning》。音乐和设计都大获好评!2013年下旬,bass手赵梦拿起了麦克风,担任起了主唱得位置。并发行EP-DON'T LOOK BACK,不断创新的他们,从未停止脚步的他们,会掀起一番新的浪潮!完美的阵容,你不可错过!

Summer never end

Stay with me singing all the time.
Make something different in your life.
You will find something new.

You put yourself into the box.
Don't want to recall and talk again.
You solely need to prove yourself tonight.

Open your heart.
Tell me your story.
Open my arms.Feel my heartbeat.
I want to tell you the summer never end.

Open my heart.
Tell you my secret.
Open your ears.You can hear me.
In this summer take you to my heart.

Hey! maybe I can not change your life.
But something different in your mind.
When you hear your favorite song.

It's like a song you can't rewind.
We should be happy to continue.
We are so young and invincible.

Open your heart.
Tell me your story.
Open my arms.Feel my heartbeat.
I want to tell you the summer never end.

Open my heart.
Tell you my secret.
Open your ears.You can hear me.
In this summer take you to my heart.

Everyday seems a little longer.
Chance will not always care for you.
Don't wasting time.
Every heart has its own sorrow.
Their's shadows searching in the night.
Wish i could bring you back.

Open my heart.
Tell you my secret.
Open your ears.You can hear me.
In this summer take you to my heart.
