Directed and animated by Ryan Woodward
Art and Design by Jason Knapp,Jared Greenleaf
Narration by Taei Fitv
Music and Vocais by Danilio Cabias Jr,Karalyn Henderson,The Voice of Polynesia
Audio recording and mix by Dave Zimmerman at,Noisebox Stvdios
Additional help by Taylor Krahenbuhl,Chris Welch,Levi Harrison,Jacob Stark,Tom Powell,Jason Kim
This particular legend has a current belief, that when the villagers of Vaitogi sing the song of Fonuea from the cliffs of Vaitogi, a turtle and a shark come to the surface of the sea. We put this legend to the test and the result was more than breathtaking. You can watch a documentary on this unique experience in Samoa here, on BYU Broadcasting.