
Girls Dead Monster,动漫专属 - Wishes 主题曲MAD版 英文字幕

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wishes, 10年1月动画《Angel Beats!》(中译:天使的心跳)的MAD,出品时间:2010-06-11,作者:Brittanysama,工作室:Bittersweet Temptations Studio,音乐:Angel Beats OST(原声碟) Theme Song,作者的话:Soo yeah i did this in like a hour and half o.e idk. I just waiting for the next Angel Beat episode to get subbed so i can watch so i edited this =w= Angel Beats is a truly beautiful anime. This girl Yui I hated at first but now, love :3 She adorable. I was so sad when she left. ;w; Yui so strong and she a truly inspirational character. P.S. This is not to be taken very serious editing wise since it was created in a hour hour and half but i think it sweet and really captured Yui.
