
Ben Jelen - Come On

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一首后很久以前的歌 BenJelen的名字或许对于许多人来说还十分陌生。拥有英国与捷克混血血统。年纪轻轻的他音乐才华不容忽视。身为音乐创作人兼歌手,他具有弹奏钢琴、吉他及小提琴等多样才能。 Jelen是一个旅行者、学者、抒情诗人及音乐家。在他频繁地从苏格兰迁移到英格兰、德克萨斯、新泽西,最后到纽约的过程中,音乐一直伴随着他。由于经常迁居,他从未组过自己的乐队,而是自己练习钢琴、小提琴和吉他弹奏。在上大学时(他取得了罗格斯大学生物学学位),他终于在和朋友偶尔参加演唱会时登台演出。在每场演出中,Jelen都会把他的歌曲和钢琴演奏融合起来,给台下所有听众带来了独特的音乐。毕业以后,他搬到了曼哈顿,全身心地投入到音乐事业中。 2004年3月,Jelen推出了加入Maverick厂牌后的首张创作专辑《GiveItAllAway》(随风而逝),显示出了他作为一名音乐人所具有的才华。他自省式的歌曲中透出对新开始的乐观和信心。在这张专辑中,Jelen籍由华丽的配器讲述了一位诗人的故事。他的歌词探讨了奔放的热情,激情冷却后不变的仍是那份怀旧之情。以钢琴伴奏为主,带点流行摇滚乐风的创作,铺陈出一张旋律性十足的专辑。整张大碟创造性地利用了非传统性的音乐元素。班卓琴、弦乐以及凯尔特音乐贯穿始终,揉合了传统的原创性和流行摇滚。 "Come On"记述了一段异地恋情的起起落落,"Slow Down"回顾了童年的纯真,"Stay"表现的则是开始一段新恋情时的满心欢愉,而翻唱摇滚音乐剧《HedwigandTheAngryInch》中的WickedLittleTown更显露出Jelen优异独具的品味。Ben Jelen的处女专辑收录了一系列拥有深度内涵的歌词、活泼的流行旋律及体现其纯熟音乐技巧的歌曲。 and finally the silence looking out, looking back across the sky trying to find a meaning knowing that i just left it all behind still i smell a lingering softness where did she go, how did she go, i wanna wanna know i wanna know that she'll be coming here to me come on without you i'll never feel the love inside of me come on, you know that we belong come on, come on, come on, come on thinking back before her i never knew the meaning of alone still the flag is feeling foreign i live the day to escape into a phone speaking of a world not real then where did she go, how did she go, i wanna wanna know i wanna know that she'll be coming here to me come on without you i'll never feel the love inside of me come on, you know that we belong come on, come on, come on, come on cause shes sharp for kisses and my heart misses she's coming she's coming here to me i'm needing desiring to kiss her now i'm living for her breathing for her singing for her fairytale come on without you i'll never feel the love inside of me come on, you know that we belong come on, come on, come on, come on come on without you i'll never feel the love inside of me come on, come on, come on, come on come on
