
Sufjan Stevens - John Wayne Gacy Jr

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Sufjan Stevens这名歌手的简介就不再多谈了,之前传的视频有他的详细介绍。这首歌有很深的含义,但很多人不懂,我在这把歌词贴出来,它是有关美国著名连环杀手John Wayne Gacy的(相关人物简介:小丑该是令人快乐和引人欢笑的,但遇上由 John Wayne Gacy 所扮演的小丑,你只会惊慌尖叫。出生於芝加哥的他,以优异的成绩於商学院毕业,之後结了婚并成为了一名出色的销售员。他非常受所居住的社区的邻居所喜爱,特别是小孩子,因为他会扮演名叫「Pogo」的小丑去娱乐他们。但是他年青时也曾因为性骚扰男同事和意图强*男孩而留下案底,只是他之後一直表现得循规蹈矩,掩饰了他潜在的兽性,令人一时未能察觉得到。 直至 1978 年 12 月 11 日,一名叫 Robert Piest 的男孩在出外工作面试後一去不返,他当天所约见的建筑营造商正是 John Wayne Gacy。警方开始针对他来调查,但他对事件一概否认,最终警方决定搜查这位好好先生的大宅。结果他们并没有找到 Robert Piest,却在一道隐藏门下的地库找到 7 具腐烂了的屍体,那一刻他们才惊觉找到了美国其中一名冷血连环杀手,之後在屋内和後花园再掘起 28 具屍体,包括 Robert Piest 在内的其馀 5 名被害者,则因为家中再没空位而被抛入河中弃屍。 身型肥胖的他,在以瘦为主的连环杀手界确是较为罕见的。至於杀人的原因,他自称是出於对同性恋的憎恨,但其实被害者中大部分也是异性恋者。对於这种指控,他并不认同。「当我强*了他们,一切便已足够。他们要为进行过同性恋的性行为而死!」)
歌词:His father was a drinker
And his mother cried in bed
Folding John Wayne's T-shirts
When the swingset hit his head
The neighbors they adored him
For his humor and his conversation
Look underneath the house there
Find the few living things
Rotting fast in their sleep of the dead
Twenty-seven people, even more
They were boys with their cars, summer jobs
Oh my God

Are you one of them?

He dressed up like a clown for them
With his face paint white and red
And on his best behavior
In a dark room on the bed he kissed them all
He'd kill ten thousand people
With a sleight of his hand
Running far, running fast to the dead
He took of all their clothes for them
He put a cloth on their lips
Quiet hands, quiet kiss
On the mouth

And in my best behavior
I am really just like him
Look beneath the floorboards
For the secrets I have hid
