
南圭丽,金贤重 - Clarity 贤重&奎丽 Part3 饭制版

南圭丽,金贤重MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有14人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

    当前播放模式: 高清 自动播放推荐视频
After learning that she is pregnant, GyuRi has to decided if she's gonna tell HyunJoong about it. They both miss each other, but HyunJoong has a family and GyuRi knows it, so she decide to keep a secret. Her best friend finds out about it, but GyuRi asks her to stay quiet. HyunJoong gets a divorce from his wife and they remain friends. However, GyuRi avoids any meting with him and gives a birth to a girl 6 month later. Her best friend sees that she's suffering because she cannot be with the one she loves, so she breaks her promise and sends a package to HyunJoong with photos of his daughter and later where she explains everything. HyunJoong finds GyuRi and she cannot resist him anymore. Hye-Sun (HyunJoong's ex-wife) meet a nice guy and with time they start daring. HyunJoong's older daughter living with him, GyuRi and her sister, Yu-Bin, and visits her mother when she wants. In the end GyuRi and HyunJoong getting married.
The end.
