
Wonderland - Nothing Moves Me Anymore 中英字幕

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仙境是一个爱尔兰 / 英国 girlband ,形成路易斯沃尔什和西城男孩乐队成员吉安伊根 。 The band were put together after auditions were held for five females in July 2008.乐队放在一起后五个女性在2008年7月举行的试演。 Its five members were Jodi Albert , Sharon Condon, Corrina Durran, Leigh Learmont and Kasey Smith.其五名成员乔迪伟业 ,沙龙康登,科琳娜Durran,利Learmont和凯西史密斯。 Wonderland's debut single " Not a Love Song " was released on 25 February 2011 in Ireland and on 6 March 2011 in the United Kingdom .仙境的首张单曲“ 非情歌 “是于2011年2月25日公布的爱尔兰和2011年3月6 日在英国。 Their eponymous debut album was released on 6 June 2011, the same day as their second single, "Starlight".他们齐名的首张专辑6日发布2011年6月,在同一天,作为他们的第二张单曲,“星光“。 Wonderland released their third single, "Nothing Moves Me Anymore", in August 2011.仙境发布他们的第三单,“没有什么让我感动了”,在2011年8月。 The following month, it was announced the band had been dropped by their record label.在随后的一个月,它宣布了他们的唱片公司的乐队已经下降。 The group later decided to split up.该组后来决定分裂。 Contents目录 [hide] 1 Formation 1 形成 2 History 2 历史 3 Discography 3唱片分目 3.1 Studio albums 3.1 演播室册页 3.2 Extended plays 3.2 延长的戏剧 3.3 Singles 3.3 选拔 4 Filmography 4 大全 5 Awards and nominations 5 奖和提名 6 References 6 参考 7 External links 7 外部链接 [ edit ] Formation [ 编辑 ] 形成 In July 2008, it was announced that Louis Walsh and Westlife singer Kian Egan were to hold open auditions for a new girl group that they would co-manage. [ 1 ] Auditions for five females between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five were held in Dublin that month. [ 1 ] On 26 July 2008, seven hundred girls auditioned for the girl group in front of Walsh, Egan and A&R scout, Sheila Burgess. [ 2 ] Walsh said "We're looking for talent. Undiscovered talent, young with a good attitude and who will look good. We don't want good -- we want great." [ 2 ] Over three thousand hopefuls auditioned. [ 3 ] In December 2008, it was revealed that the band had been put together, but had not been named. [ 4 ] Sharon Condon, Corrina Durran, Leigh Learmont, Kasey Smith, and Jodi Albert were picked to form the new band. [ 5 ] Albert told Hello Magazine in February 2011 that around three thousand girls turned up to the auditions. [ 6 ] She said that over three months, there were eight rounds where the numbers got smaller and eventually the girls were whittled down to the five who formed the band. [ 6 ] Albert added that the girls had "gravitated towards each other" and become friends during the process. [ 6 ] 2008年7月,它宣布,路易斯沃尔什和西城男孩歌手吉安伊根举行公开面试一个新的女孩组,他们将共同管理。 [1]试演为5个女性之间的15岁和二十五个举行在都柏林的一个月。 [1]在26日2008年7月,在前面的沃尔什女孩集团,伊根和试演七百余女孩的A&R的球探,希拉伯吉斯。 [2]沃尔什说:“我们正在对人才的寻找。未被发现的人才,一个良好的心态和好看的年轻,我们没有想好-我们希望伟大的“[ 2 ]。[ 3] 2008年12月试演三千多候选人,据透露,乐队已经放在一起[4] ,但没有被命名。沙龙康登,科琳娜Durran,利Learmont,凯西史密斯,和乔迪伟业挑形成新的乐队。[5 ]阿尔贝告诉你好“杂志在2011年2月,大约有300万女孩止跌回升试镜。 [6]她说,三个月以上的,有八轮得到的数字小女孩最终被削减到5人组成的乐队。 [6]伟业女孩“被吸引对对方“,成为在这个过程中的朋友。 [6] The girls decided to name the band Wonderland and Learmont revealed that it took the band a year and a half to come up with the name. [ 5 ] [ 7 ] Condon told Maria Duffy of Hello Magazine that the band thought of names such as "Daisy Chains and Wildflowers but nothing seemed right." [ 6 ] Egan eventually came up with the name Wonderland after he noticed a poster for the 2010 adaptation of Alice in Wonderland on the side of a bus. [ 6 ] Condon explained, "It just clicked with him straight away and when he put it to us and to the record company, we just all knew it was right. Now I couldn't imagine any other name." [ 6 ]女孩决定乐队仙境和Learmont透露了乐队一年半来的名称命名。 [5] [7]康登告诉玛丽亚的 Hello 杂志达菲,乐队的名称,如认为“菊花链,但没有野花似乎是正确的。 “[6 ]伊根最终来到仙境的名称后,他注意到了2010适应的海报爱丽丝梦游仙境总线一侧。[ 6]康登解释说,“这只是他马上点击,当他把它给我们和唱片公司,我们只是所有知道这是正确的,现在我无法想象任何其他的名字。“[ 6] [ edit ] History [ 编辑 ] 历史 In October 2008, it was reported that Wonderland had signed a six figure record deal with Mercury Records . [ 8 ] [ 9 ] The band made their first live television appearance on The Late Late Show in December 2008. [ 4 ] In May 2010, it was announced that Wonderland were to support Westlife on their Where We Are Tour tour. [ 10 ] The band were also invited to play at the 2010 Isle of Wight Festival . [ 11 ] Walsh announced that he would launch Wonderland with a reality television programme, entitled Louis Walsh & Kian Egan's Next Big Thing (previously The Management ) in October 2010. [ 12 ] [ 13 ] The programme followed the band for two years as they prepared to release their debut single and album. [ 14 ] It began airing on ITV2 on 30 October 2010 in the UK and was later broadcast on TV3 in Ireland. [ 7 ] Wonderland were given a mention on the popular gossip blog written by Perez Hilton , after fans sent him a link to one of their performances. [ 7 ] 2008年10月,仙境,已签署了6个数字记录处理水星纪录。[8 ] [9 ] 乐队晚晚展示他们的第一次电视直播出现于2008年12月。 [4] 2010年5月,它宣布仙境支持他们的西城男孩,在我们游览参观。[ 10]带也被邀请在2010年怀特岛节发挥。[ 11]沃尔什宣布,他将推出与现实的电视节目中的仙境题为路易斯沃尔什和吉安伊根的下一个大东西 (以前管理部门 )于2010年10月。 [12] [13]该方案随后两年的乐队为他们准备释放他们的首次亮相单和专辑。 [14]它开始播出对2010年10月30 日在英国ITV2 和后来播出的TV3 在爱尔兰。 [7]仙境是一个提到书面上流行的八卦博客佩雷斯希尔顿,后球迷给他发了链接到他们的表演之一 。[7 ] Wonderland's debut single was confirmed to be "Not a Love Song" and it was released in Ireland on 25 February 2011 and in the UK on 6 March. [ 7 ] [ 15 ] Albert described the song as "fun and cheeky".证实仙境的出道单曲“不是一个爱情之歌”,并于3月6日,它发布于2011年2月25日,在英国,爱尔兰 。[7 ] [15]伟业形容为“有趣和厚脸皮“的歌曲。 She added that it has a "rocky edge", but with a bit of country in it too. [ 7 ] During an interview with Digital Spy , Durran said they had received a positive reception to the song when they sang it on the Westlife tour. [ 7 ] On 4 March 2011, Wonderland released an EP entitled Introduction to Wonderland .她补充说,有一个“岩石边缘”,但一个国家在它有点太。 [7] 数字间谍在接受采访时,Durran说,他们收到了积极的接待,当他们唱这首歌Westlife的巡演[7]在2011年3月4日,仙境发布的EP 有权仙境。 The EP contains "Not a Love Song", one music video and three live acoustic tracks. [ 16 ] The band recorded their self-titled debut album in 2010. EP包含“不是一个爱情之歌”,音乐视频和三个现场的声轨。[16 ]在2010年乐队录制他们的自我命名的首张专辑。 In a November 2010 interview, Durran said that nine tracks had been recorded, with a few more to finish. [ 7 ] Wonderland worked with Andy Hill , Shep Solomon and Bob Clearmountain on the tracks. [ 7 ] "In Your Arms" written with Mark Owen and a cover of Lady Antebellum 's " Need You Now " were confirmed for the album. [ 7 ]在2010年11月接受采访时,Durran表示已录得9首歌, 几个完成。 [7 ]仙境与安迪山工作, SHEP所罗门和鲍勃Clearmountain在铁轨上。 [7]“在你的怀里“写入马克欧文和一个覆盖夫人内战前的“ 您现在需要 “被证实为册页。 [7] In February and March 2011, Wonderland toured with both Boyzone and Westlife around the UK and Ireland. [ 17 ] The band also performed at several schools around the country. [ 18 ] Durran said that the experience was "one of the best things we've ever done" and that the band had had a "brilliant reaction and have been bombarded with positive comments on facebook from the students." [ 6 ] Wonderland toured with Olly Murs during April and May 2011 and will support American rapper 50 Cent on his UK tour later in the year. [ 19 ] [ 20 ] Wonderland was released on 6 June 2011, the same day as the band's second single "Starlight". [ 19 ] "Nothing Moves Me Anymore" was released as the third single from the album. [ 21 ] In September 2011, Melanie Finn of the Evening Herald reported Wonderland had been dropped by Mercury Records. [ 22 ] Of the news, Walsh told Finn "They had some great songs, they could all sing and they worked really hard. They tried to do something different and it's just a shame it didn't work out. But people haven't heard the last of them." [ 22 ] Egan also confirmed the news and added "It's been an amazing journey for us all. Incredible memories were made." [ 23 ] Caitriona Giblin of the Irish Daily Star reported Wonderland's future remained uncertain as no one had confirmed any plans for them to continue. [ 23 ]在2月和2011年3月,仙境参观Boyzone的和各地的英国和爱尔兰的西城男孩。[ 17]又在全国各地的几所学校进行的乐队。 [18] Durran说的经验是“最好的事情,我们之一“已经做过“和乐队有过一个”辉煌的反应,并已与Facebook上的积极评价,从学生的轰炸。 “[ 6]仙境参观奥利Murs 4月和2011年5月期间,他将支持美国说唱歌手50 Cent的在今年晚些时候英国巡演。 [19] [20] 仙境是发布于2011年6月6日,在同一天作为乐队的第二单“星光“。[ 19]“没有移动我了”是在从第三单公布专辑。 [21] 2011年9月,梅拉妮的芬兰晚报报道仙境已下降水星纪录。 [22]这一消息后,沃尔什说,芬兰“他们有一些伟大的歌曲,他们都可以唱,他们的工作真的很难他们试图做不同的事情,它只是一种耻辱,它没有发挥出来,但人们还没有听到他们的最后。“[ 22]伊根也证实了这一消息,并补充说:“它已经为我们所有的奇幻旅程令人难以置信的回忆。“ [23] Caitriona吉布兰爱尔兰每日星报“报道,仙境的未来仍然不明朗,没有人证实他们计划继续。[ 23] On 19 September, Condon told the Evening Herald that she planned to launch a solo career, despite Walsh and Egan's attempts to keep Wonderland together. [ 24 ] The singer opined the group cannot continue as they do not have the dancers or the production to succeed. [ 24 ] She also explained Albert's pregnancy would have made things more difficult for the band, saying "If you look at Una Healy now from The Saturdays, she's fine because they are an established band, but we weren't. At the end of the day, I don't really know the reason we were dropped, maybe our music just wasn't good enough, but I think there was more to it than that." [ 24 ] Condon thought Wonderland were not what people were looking for as they tried to be something different with their sound and style. 9月19日,康登说的晚报先驱 ,她计划推出单飞尽管沃尔什和伊根的企图,以保持仙境一起。 [24]歌手认为本集团能不能继续为他们做不具有的舞者或生产取得成功。 [24]她还解释艾伯特的怀孕的东西更多的为乐队很难,说:“如果你看看在乌纳的星期六希利现在,她的罚款 ??,因为他们是一个成立乐队,但我们没有。最后的一天,我真的不知道我们在下降,也许只是我们的音乐还不够好,原因,但我认为有超过它。“ [24]康登认为仙境是不是什么人正在寻找作为他们试图将他们的声音和风格不同的东西。 She revealed to the paper that there are talks about redesigning the band. [ 24 ] On 28 September 2011, it was confirmed Wonderland had split up. [ 25 ] The band posted a message on their Facebook page saying:她透露到纸张上,重新设计了乐队的会谈。[ 24]在2011年9月28日,它被证实仙境已经分手了。 [25]乐队发布的消息在自己的Facebook页面说: "As some of you may know already we have parted ways with Mercury Records. We have taken the past few weeks to consider our future as a band. After a lot of thinking and talking we have decided that we will no longer continue as Wonderland. We feel we have given it all we have and we could not take it any further. We want to say a massive thank you to all our fans for the love and support they have shown us over the three years we have been together. We really feel we had an amazing time and it will be something we remember for the rest of our lives." [ 25 ] “由于有些人可能已经知道我们已经分手方式与水星纪录。,我们采取了过去几个星期来考虑我们的未来,作为一个乐队。经过了很多思考和交谈,我们决定,我们将不再继续作为仙境。我们觉得,我们对此给予我们,我们不能采取任何进一步的,我们想说的一个大规模的感谢您对我们所有的球迷的喜爱和支持,他们已经表明我们在一起已经超过三年,我们真的觉得我们有一个惊人的时间,这将是值得我们记得我们的生活休息。“
