
Lifehouse,动漫专属 - FlashBack (From Where You Are <云之彼端,约定的地方>MAD版)

Lifehouse,动漫专属MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有18人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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作者:Zwill,音乐:Lifehouse-From Where You Are,动画:云之彼端,约定的地方(Place Promised in Our Early Days, The (Beyond the Clouds),发布:2008-05-19。作者的话:Second video now and trying out new stuff along with lip sync. I would of added 2 seconds before the video but l forgot about that and realized if l did that l would have to move all the lip sync clips/overlays/mask/audio (Some was cut) over which would make it quite the job. This video wasn't based on effects at all, l just tried to start small and learn about lip sync and masking. main concept: he boards the train and remembers all the memories he had while growing up. Overall: I liked this video but at first it was hard for me to find a song, l might not have found it but hey, l liked the song ;/. Hope you enjoy it
