
Foo Fighters,动漫专属 - Jihaku (Best Of You 动画MAD版)

Foo Fighters,动漫专属MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有6人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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来自Fantasy Movies工作室的Tyler_yj制作的动画剪辑MV,作品名:Jihaku,音乐:Foo Fighters-Best Of You,出品时间:2005-09-25,剪辑自117部动画。荣誉:2006 USA AMV CONTEST冠军作品,即为06年全美动漫视频剪制赛事顺位一位;2005 US AMV CONTEST大赛最佳剧本、观众票选第三名;2006 Viewer Choice’s Award 年度最佳视频、最佳艺术效果、最佳悲情类、最佳剧本奖。描述/作者的话:It's very difficult to comment this video. The idea isn't really original, it's the same theme of the song, same theme of the original music video. It's a video about life in general, a confession about life, full of passion, rage, deception, determination, desire to fight, desire to give up. A complete theme, without judgment, just a backward step on the life, nothing else. Some people said me this video is really pessimistic, others said the message is very hopeful. I'm glad this video bring this ambiguity. Like in the real music video, I have put neutral scenes and elements, without explanation or reason... I love it. I have inset also real scenes of the Foo Fighters' singer to keep the side of a real music video. Hum I don't success to talk about this video, it's a felling I can't explain correctly, watch it, explications aren't necessary for this one ; I hope you enjoy it. PS : Thanks to Kragdrim to stimulate me when he have seen the idea to the beginning and to have purpose to use more guitar's scenes of Beck. And thanks to Istiv for some footages I had need to complete the video. 中英字幕版:http://www.1ting.com/video/193477
