
欧美群星,模仿翻唱,原创 - Complete Me (Sarah Stewart Own Lyrics Ver.)(Cover)

欧美群星,模仿翻唱,原创MV音乐大全 此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有6人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频点个赞作为鼓励吧!

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Avril Lavigne2011年6月释出的弃曲Gone&Candy&Complete Me伴奏。其中Complete Me,歌迷Sarah Stewart于2012年1月21日上传即兴自行填词演唱,迟疑而未提前写出歌词不经考虑的即兴演唱,因为随时思索有几处断续无声。
“own lyrics, please read discription
I found that avril lavignes song compete me doesnt really have lyrics so i made some myself. tell me what you think Please? Dont be mean because this is the first time ive ever done anything like this. my first video actually. Um.. give credit to avril lavigne for the music in the back ground. here is the link i used the background music from.http://youtu.be/miuJsZkiNg0 but i did make the lyrics. i can not write the lyrics but i can sing them from the top of my head. hence the reason i was hesitant in it. I made the lyrics from the top of my head without any writing so some of it may be off sounding because i was thinking alot. Thank you,”
