
Charice - I Will Survive 现场版 11/02/08

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I Will Survive 现场版 11/02/08 Charice - I will survive - 2011/02/08 - 8th Annual Woman's Day Red Dress Awards - NYC, NY - Our Charice performed at the 8th Annual Woman's Day Red Dress Award here in New York City in the Jazz of Lincoln Center. Charice is one of the highlight singers in this event where she sang "The Bodyguard Medley" and "I Will Survive" with audience applaused her with standing oviation and screams even before she completed each song. - The Woman's Day Award this year is in honor of some of the most passionate women in America for their outstanding contributions in heart-related medical issues. Horonees include Barbara Walters, Delores E. Covington, Hoda Kotb, Rita F. Redberg and Denise Morrison. They represent news correspondent, Medical doctor, company executive and other areas of profession. - credit: chariceconcerts @YouTube
